
Department of Geography


Geography is a scientific study of men's interaction with his environment

Major thrust in geography is based on four distinct but Interrelated tradition i.e. an earth science tradition, a location tradition and an area analysis tradition; a logical study of man's activity in different regions happens to be the over reading theme in this discipline. The study of geography existing challenging and relevant to today's world. Geographers study the natural process of the physical environment, as well as the activities and consequence of human in this environment. Some geographers specialize in coastal glacial or fluvial process and landform, climatology, biogeography, hydrology or environmental change. Others study regional economics, population change, and problems of rural or urban areas. Still others, specializing in spatial analysis, bring the power of geographic information science to bear on a wide range of research problems. Increasingly, these are coming together in the study of environmental problems and geographers lead the way in resource management. Geography teaches valuable skills such as spatial data analysis and geographical information system, landform and hydrological, interpretation, introduction to population and economic statistics, computing skills, field skills and ethics. Geography demands good analysis and reporting skills and our students apply their training in real world situation. It is a job and research-oriented discipline. Courses have been designed as such to include not only theoretical knowledge but also in still the empirical use of knowledge. The present faculty is working diligently to promote this discipline on modern line. Specifically focus is on introduction of research-oriented models and Geographic Information System (GIS).